
Sobre la marxa (2013) скачать торрент в 720p 1080p

Sobre la marxa
Ориг. название: Sobre la marxa
Слоган: This is the story of a man who created a jungle next to the highway, building with his bare hands beautiful and unbelievable works of engineering in the forest. Later on, he ended up burning them to ashes to reconstruct them, time after time, over decades. He is known as «Garrell», also as «Tarzan from Argelaguer», and he is not driven by any apparent purpose, except one: going «on the go».
Год: 2013
Страна: Испания
Режиссер: Jordi Morató
В ролях: Jordi Morató, Josep Pijiula, Evo Pujiula
Время: 1 час 17 минут

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